"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." – Ryunosuke Satoro Contact UsResourcesAccreditation
By state law, the Florida Department of Education does not act as an approval or accrediting agency. In Florida, accreditation of all schools and programs is entirely voluntary.
Many schools desire to seek accreditation. They believe that a thoughtful evaluation of their facilities, faculty and programs strengthens a school and presents the public with assurance that the school is fulfilling its published purpose and philosophy.
Each of the FAANS Accrediting Associations has its own Standards and Evaluation Procedures. Those may vary in details and emphasis from one Association to another, but they all involve on-site evaluation and periodic reevaluation by peers and Association Officers. FAANS recognizes an association for accreditation only after reviewing the Standards and Procedures of the Association.
Before an Association can be named an official FAANS accrediting body, the Association must have a history of several years of successful experience in accrediting its schools, have its processes and standards reviewed and approved by the Board of FAANS, have a successful onsite visit by FAANS representatives during one of its regular accreditation visits of a member school, have the sponsorship of two FAANS accrediting associations, and receive a majority vote of support from the Board of Directors.
Standards for Accredited Schools
Each year, the state legislators introduce hundreds of bills and amendments on a variety of issues including education. FAANS member associations work together to present a united voice on legislative issues that affect our schools. Additionally and importantly, we have a lobbyist in Tallahassee to be the voice of our nonpublic schools and students. Our legislative committee reviews EACH bill and amendment introduced looking for ANYTHING that might adversely affect or benefit our schools.
FAANS Legislative Services include:
- Monitor potential bills and amendments that may impact its nonpublic schools or students.
- Provide timely and relevant information on legislative issues.
- Maintain regular dialogue with members of the Florida House and Senate, the Florida Department of Education, the Department of Children and Families, the Florida High School Athletic Association, and other agencies and associations that influence or serve nonpublic schools of Florida.
- Work closely with the Office for Independent Education and Parental Choice within the Florida Department of Education.
- Provide members for various Legislative appointed committees, committees formed by the various State agencies, and various committees of the Florida High School Athletic Association.